Boy: Hey, hun!
Girl: Hey.
Boy: I missed you at school today. Why weren't you there?
Girl: Yeah, I had to go to the doctor.
Boy: Oh really? Why?
Girl: Oh, nothing. Just some annual shots, that's all.
Boy: Oh.
Girl: So what did you guys do in Math today?
Boy: You didn't miss anything that great, just a lot of notes.
Girl: Okay, good.
Boy: Yeah.
Girl: Hey, I have a question to ask.
Boy: Okay, ask away.
Girl: How much do you love me?
Boy: You know I love you more than anything in this world.
Girl: Yeah.
Boy: Why did you ask?
Girl: *silence*
Boy: Is something wrong?
Girl: No. Nothing at all. Um. How much do you care about me?
Boy: I would give you the world in a heartbeat if I could.
Girl: You would?
Boy: Yeah of course I would. *sounding worried* Is there something wrong?
Girl: No, everything's fine.
Boy: Are you sure?
Girl: Yeah.
Boy: Okay. I hope so.
Girl: Would you die for me?
Boy: I would take a bullet for you any day, hun.
Girl: Really?
Boy: Any day. Now, seriously, is there something wrong?
Girl: No, I'm fine. You're fine. We're fine. Everyone and everything is fine.
Boy: Okay.
Girl: Well, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow at school.
Boy: Alright, bye. I love you!
Girl: Yeah. I love you too. Bye.
Boy: Hey, have you seen my girlfriend today?
Friend: No.
Boy: Oh.
Friend: She wasn't here yesterday, either.
Boy: I know. She was acting all weird on the phone last night.
Friend: Well, dude, you know how girls are sometimes.
Boy: Yeah, but not her.
Friend: I don't know what else to say, man.
Boy: Okay, well I gotta get to English. I'll see ya after school.
Friend: Yeah I gotta get to Science. Later.
Girl: Hello?
Boy: Hey.
Girl: Oh, hey.
Boy: Why weren't you at school today?
Girl: Uh, I had another appointment with the doctor.
Boy: Are you sick?
Girl: Um, I have to go. My mom’s calling on the other line.
Boy: I’ll wait.
Girl: It may take a while. I’ll call you later.
Boy: Alright. I love you.
-very long pause-
Girl: *with a tears in her eyes* Look, I think we should break up.
Boy: What?!
Girl: It’s the best thing for us right now.
Boy: Why?
Girl: I love you.
Boy: Hey dude.
Friend: Hey.
Boy: What’s up?
Friend: Nothing. Hey, have you talked to your ex lately?
Boy: No.
Friend: So you didn’t hear?
Boy: Hear what?
Friend: Um, I don’t know if I should be the one to tell you…
Boy: Dude, just tell me!
Friend: Uh. Call this number, 433-555-3468.
Boy: Okay, thanks!
Voice: Hello, Suppam County Hospital. This is Nurse Victoria.
Boy: Uh, I must have the wrong number. I’m looking for my friend.
Voice: What is their name, sir?
*boy gives info*
Voice: Yes, this is the right number. She’s one of our patients here.
Boy: Really? Why? What happened? How is she?
Voice: Her room number is 646 in building A, suite 3.
Voice: Please come by, sir, and you can see her. Goodbye.
Boy: WAIT! NO!
Boy: Oh my God, are you okay?
Girl: *silence*
Boy: Dear, talk to me!
Girl: I..
Boy: You what?
Girl: I have cancer and I’m on life support.
Boy: *breaks into tears*
Girl: They're taking me off tonight.
Boy: Why?
Girl: I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t .
Boy: Why didn’t you tell me?
Girl: I didn’t want to hurt you.
Boy: You could never hurt me.
Girl: I just wanted to see if you felt about me the same as I felt about you.
Boy: Huh?
Girl: I love you more than anything. I would give you the world in a heartbeat. I would die for you and take a bullet for you.
Boy: *crying*
Girl: Don’t be sad. I love you and I’ll always be there with you.
Boy: Then why did you break up with me?
Nurse: Young man, visiting hours are over.
The boy leaves and later that night the girl is taken off of life support and dies, but what the boy didn’t know is that the girl only asked him those questions so she could hear him say it one last time. She only broke up with him because she knew she only had 3 more weeks left to live and thought that it would cause him less pain and give him time to get over her before she died.
The boy is found dead with a gun in one hand and a note in the other.
“I told her that I would take a bullet for her, just like she said she would die for me.”
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sekolah? Besok? AAAAAAA
Setelah sebulan libur puasa ditambah enam hari libur lebaran, akhirnya besok siswa siswi SMP Pertiwi Medan.................diliburkan kembali.
Oke itu jelas jelas tidak benar saudara saudara -_-''''
Ralat :
Setelah sebulan libur puasa ditambah enam hari libur lebaran, akhirnya besok siswa siswi SMP Pertiwi Medan.................memulai kegiatan belajarnya kembali.
Waaaa kok cepat kali rasanya ya? Padahal kayanya liburan baru seminggu deh hhh.
Ya Allah belom siap buat sekolah. Aura ku masih aura liburan ini *eaaak*
Awak masih mau ngulet dikamar........masih pengen ga tidur semaleman........masih pengen online seharian tanpa batas (loh kok kaya iklan operator jadinya -_-'').
Yah intinya begitulah.
Saya masih ingin merasakan nikmatnya liburan wahai bapak ibu guru T----T
Coba pas udah sekolah nanti. Gaada yang namanya begadang, gaada yang namanya online, gaada yang namanya main main. Mesti fokus ke pelajaran. Agak lebay mungkin, tapi aku udah kelas 9. Aku pengen lulus dengan nilai yang bisa banggain orangtua *cailah*
Bye my beloved holiday :****
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Oke, aku badmooooood bgt sebenernya ish.
Iya! Karna Inggris kalah! Pulkam! Huaaaaaa :''''(
4-1 guuuys tapi sebenernya sih 4-2 gara-gara wasit goblok nih -___-
Sediiih bgt liat muka Gerrard pas fulltime.
Yaaah but nevermind Gerrard, I still love you :***
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Antara Paris dan Zombi
Waaaa tadi aku nonton ngulik di trans tv (btw mesti disensor ga ya? o.O), envyyyy!!!
Soalnya tadi mereka ke Paris hueeee *histeris sambil jambak rambut orang*
Aku pengen ke Paris weeeey ish inilah susahnya punya ortu gasuka jalan-jalan -_-
Kalo ditanya, aku juga bingung kenapa aku suka Paris. Tapi yang jelas Paris itu kota impian lah :333
Eh ngomong-ngomong soal mimpi, semalem aku mimpi dikejer-kejer zombi wey. Tapi zombinya bukan yang serem kaya gini :
Ah pokoknya zombinya cakep dah haha abnormal kan mimpi aku?
Mana ada cobaa zombi cakep udah gitu pake kemeja rapi kaya orang kantoran gitu -_-''
Kalian bingung kan? Iya sama aku juga hehe.
Katanya mimpi itu bisa jadi pertanda, tapi kalo mimpi aku kaya gini pertanda apaan? Tanyakan kepada rumput yang bergoyang~
So, ada yang tau gak apa hubungannya Paris sama Zombi? Aku gatau ._.
Friday, June 18, 2010
I want this!!!!
Pengen punya kuciiiing :33 tapi sayangnya ga dikasih mama melihara kucing ishhh T-T
Aku cuma bisa main sama kucing kampung di sekolah. Kucingnya bego ih matre lagi (?) Eh tapi serius lhoo masa dia mau dielus-elus cuma karna aku megang makanan -_- Penjilaaaaat!!! Atau memang sifat dasar kucing kaya begitu kali ya? Hmmm...
Okay,Let's back to the mainstream....................
Jadi intinya aku pengeeeen bgt melihara kucing wey :'''( Sumpaaah aku pengen kucing daripada apapuuun.
Abis kucing itu lucuu, matanya itu lhooo memancarkan keanggunan *sihiii* :p
Kapan ya mama ngizinin o.O
Proklamasi cinta yang tak tersampaikan (?)
Dari judul aja udah ketauan kalo isinya bakal ga jelas.
Hehe ._.
Dan dari judul juga kalian udah tau dong apa yang mau kuceritain disini?
Yaaaaa, betul sekali. Lagi-lagi tentang cinta (kaya udah berapa kali aja aku ngepost beginian -_-) . Tepatnya yang terpendam *cailah*.
Yaaaaa, betul sekali. Lagi-lagi tentang cinta (kaya udah berapa kali aja aku ngepost beginian -_-) . Tepatnya yang terpendam *cailah*.
Mendem perasaan itu sakit yaaa rasanya kaya ditusuk-tusuk gitu ckitckiiitckitckiiit (?)
Aku tau dia suka sama orang lain. Aku tau aku ga mungkin maksain perasaan aku ke dia. Aku tauuu.
Tapi aku bersyukur kok udah bisa deket sama dia walaupun gabakal bisa lebih dari temen.
Yeah well, manusia ga selalu dapetin apa yang dia mau kan? So move on Tamaraaaa!!!
Forget all of this shits (read : love) !!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Malam Pertama~
Oke, tolong jangan berpikiran yang nggak-nggak dulu. Malam pertama disini maksudnya bukan yang kaya kalian pikirin hehe :p
Ini malam pertama aku sama blog dooong :33
Gaada yang menandingi kemesraan kami malam ini *najis*
Kayanya aku katrok bin ndeso banget baru buat blog sekarang hehe abisnya males siiih baru kali ini punya waktu buat bikin blog. Yaaah biasalaah pelajar gituuu banyak tugas banyak kerjaan banyak hapalan belum lagi masalah percintaan (?) untung banget udah selese ujian ish kalo nggak mau jadi apa lah kehidupan remajaku *mohon maaf atas ke-lebay-an katakata saya*
Mana pas libur disuruh cuci piring, angkat jemuran, nyapu, ngepel <--- curcol :p
Udah ah capek o.O
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